The training center of the Council of the Federation of trade unions of Uzbekistan was established on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Council of the Federation of trade unions of Uzbekistan dated March 15, 1996 .

Professional development and retraining provides for the deepening and updating of professional knowledge and skills. The procedure for professional development and retraining of trade Union personnel is established by the Council of the Federation of trade unions of Uzbekistan. Regardless of the level of training in the trade Union education system, thematic short-term seminars are organized, as necessary, for certain categories of trade Union leaders and specialists.

The purpose of training trade Union personnel is to train trade Union leaders and specialists who are able to defend the interests of the wage earner in a market economy.

Trade Union training has the following tasks:

  • provide trade Union leaders and specialists with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in the field of Economics, law, sociology, theory and practice of the labor and trade Union movement, psychology, management, marketing, etc;
  • form a type of trade Union leader who has all the necessary qualities to work in the conditions of reforming the economic and political life of Uzbekistan and is constantly striving for professional growth and self-improvement.

The system of trade Union training focuses on the training and advanced training of the following categories of trainees:

  • specialists of the Central Council staff;
  • chairmen of trade Union councils of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent;
  • representatives of district and city councils of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent;
  • chairmen of trade unions and some categories of assets of primary trade organizations.

Each category of students has its own training programs. It is planned to organize a group of listeners in the number of 20-25 people.

The capacity of the educational institution per year is 1200 people. The number of freelance teachers is 125.

The material and technical base Of the training center of trade unions of Uzbekistan includes: an auditorium with a computer class, three auditoriums, a large hall with 100 seats, and a health block.

The main sources of funding for the Center’s activities and social security of its staff are:

  • funds of the Council of the Federation of trade unions of Uzbekistan allocated according to the approved budget; voluntary contributions and donations from third parties.
  • funds received from the provision of paid services.